a party full of fruit characters including watermelons telling jokes to one another

140+ Mouthwatering Watermelon Puns and Jokes to Sink your Teeth Into

Watermelon Jokes And Puns

Get ready to burst into laughter with these freshly squeezed watermelon puns that are sure to make your day juicier!

  1. Why did the watermelon go to school? To become a little bit smarter-melon!
  2. What do you call a watermelon that tells jokes? A pun-dermelon!
  3. How do watermelons get married? They cantaloupe!
  4. Why did the watermelon break up with the honeydew? It found someone seedier!
  5. What do you get when you cross a watermelon and a vampire? A blood melon!
  6. Why did the watermelon start a band? It had the perfect rind for music!
  7. How do watermelons apologize? They say, "I'm sorry, I was out of rind!"
  8. What do you call a watermelon that’s always on time? A prompt-melon!
  9. Why did the watermelon go to the party alone? It couldn’t find a date!
  10. How do watermelons stay cool in the summer? They chill out in the melon-colder!
  11. What’s a watermelon’s favorite exercise? Seed-lifting!
  12. Why did the watermelon get a job? It wanted to earn some melon-y!
  13. What do you call a watermelon that’s good at math? A count-a-melon!
  14. How do watermelons send secret messages? They use melon-grams!
  15. Why did the watermelon go to therapy? It had too many rind issues!
  16. What’s a watermelon’s favorite type of music? Melon-choly tunes!
  17. How do watermelons celebrate their birthdays? With a big seed-spitting contest!
  18. Why did the watermelon cross the road? To prove it wasn’t chicken-melon!
  19. What do you call a watermelon that’s always happy? A jolly-melon!
  20. How do watermelons stay in touch? They use melon-phones!

Watermelon Puns For Kids

Get ready to giggle with these fun and fruity watermelon puns perfect for kids!

  1. Why did the watermelon go to school? To become a little "smartermelon"!
  2. What do you call a watermelon that tells jokes? A "punny-melon"!
  3. How do watermelons get around? They take the "melon-bus"!
  4. What did the watermelon say to the cantaloupe? "You're one in a melon!"
  5. Why did the watermelon cross the road? To get to the "melon-side"!
  6. What do you call a watermelon that plays music? A "melody-melon"!
  7. How do watermelons stay cool in the summer? They "chill-out"!
  8. What do you get when you cross a watermelon and a snowman? "Frosty-melon"!
  9. Why was the watermelon so good at math? It had "pi" memorized!
  10. What do you call a watermelon that loves to dance? A "groovy-melon"!
  11. How do watermelons send messages? They use "melon-mail"!
  12. What do you call a watermelon that loves to read? A "bookworm-melon"!
  13. Why did the watermelon go to the party? To have a "slice" of fun!
  14. What do you call a watermelon that loves to paint? An "artsy-melon"!
  15. How do watermelons stay in touch? They use "melon-phones"!
  16. What do you call a watermelon that loves to travel? A "globe-trotter-melon"!
  17. Why did the watermelon go to the doctor? It felt a little "seedy"!
  18. What do you call a watermelon that loves to cook? A "chef-melon"!
  19. How do watermelons stay fit? They do "melon-cise"!
  20. What do you call a watermelon that loves to sing? A "karaoke-melon"!

Watermelon Puns For Love

Express your sweet feelings with these love-filled watermelon puns!

two watermelon holding hands on a picnic
  1. You're one in a melon!
  2. I love you to the rind and back.
  3. You're the sweetest slice of my life.
  4. Our love is like a watermelon, juicy and refreshing.
  5. You're the seed to my heart.
  6. Together, we're a perfect melon-choly.
  7. You're the watermelon to my summer.
  8. Our love is a juicy adventure.
  9. You're the rind to my reason.
  10. I can't help but melon-choly when you're not around.
  11. You're the sweetest part of my day.
  12. Our love is a juicy delight.
  13. You're the watermelon to my picnic.
  14. I love you more than watermelon on a hot day.
  15. You're the slice that completes me.
  16. Our love is a refreshing treat.
  17. You're the seed of my happiness.
  18. Together, we're a juicy pair.
  19. You're the watermelon to my heart.
  20. Our love is a sweet, juicy journey.

Cute Watermelon Puns

Brighten your day with these adorable and cute watermelon puns!

  1. You're one in a melon!
  2. You're the sweetest slice of my life.
  3. You're the seed to my happiness.
  4. You're the rind to my reason.
  5. You're the watermelon to my summer.
  6. You're the juiciest part of my day.
  7. You're the slice that completes me.
  8. You're the seed of my joy.
  9. You're the watermelon to my picnic.
  10. You're the sweetest part of my day.
  11. You're the rind to my smile.
  12. You're the juiciest part of my life.
  13. You're the seed to my heart.
  14. You're the watermelon to my happiness.
  15. You're the sweetest slice of my heart.
  16. You're the rind to my laughter.
  17. You're the juiciest part of my soul.
  18. You're the seed to my dreams.
  19. You're the watermelon to my love.
  20. You're the sweetest slice of my world.

Watermelon Adult Jokes

Get ready for some grown-up giggles with these watermelon-themed adult jokes!

  1. Why did the watermelon break up with the cantaloupe? It couldn't handle the "melon-drama"!
  2. What do you call a watermelon that loves to party? A "wild-melon"!
  3. Why did the watermelon go to therapy? It had too many "seeds" of doubt!
  4. What do you call a watermelon that loves to gamble? A "betting-melon"!
  5. Why did the watermelon get a job? It wanted to earn some "melon-bucks"!
  6. What do you call a watermelon that loves to drink? A "boozy-melon"!
  7. Why did the watermelon go to the bar? To get a "melon-tini"!
  8. What do you call a watermelon that loves to flirt? A "smooth-melon"!
  9. Why did the watermelon get a tattoo? It wanted to show off its "melon-ink"!
  10. What do you call a watermelon that loves to dance? A "groovy-melon"!
  11. Why did the watermelon go to the gym? To work on its "melon-muscles"!
  12. What do you call a watermelon that loves to cook? A "chef-melon"!
  13. Why did the watermelon go to the spa? To get a "melon-massage"!
  14. What do you call a watermelon that loves to travel? A "globe-trotter-melon"!
  15. Why did the watermelon go to the beach? To get a "melon-tan"!
  16. What do you call a watermelon that loves to read? A "bookworm-melon"!
  17. Why did the watermelon go to the movies? To see a "melon-flick"!
  18. What do you call a watermelon that loves to sing? A "karaoke-melon"!
  19. Why did the watermelon go to the concert? To hear some "melon-music"!
  20. What do you call a watermelon that loves to shop? A "shopaholic-melon"!

    Watermelon Puns For Instagram Captions

    Make your Instagram posts pop with these juicy watermelon puns and hashtags!

    watermelons sitting outside on their mobile phones using social media

    1. Slice, slice baby! #WatermelonLove
    2. One in a melon! #SummerVibes
    3. Sweet and juicy! #WatermelonCrush
    4. Watermelon sugar high! #FruitFun
    5. Melon-choly days! #SummerFeels
    6. Juicy goodness! #WatermelonSeason
    7. Seedless and sweet! #FruitGoals
    8. Watermelon dreams! #SummerSnacks
    9. Refreshingly delicious! #WatermelonLife
    10. Melon-tastic moments! #FruitLovers
    11. Sweet summer slice! #WatermelonJoy
    12. Juicy and fresh! #SummerTreats
    13. Melon magic! #FruitFiesta
    14. Watermelon wonders! #SummerBites
    15. Sweet and refreshing! #WatermelonFun
    16. Melon vibes! #SummerSnacks
    17. Juicy delight! #WatermelonHappiness
    18. Sweet and juicy moments! #FruitLove
    19. Melon-tastic summer! #WatermelonDays
    20. Refreshing and sweet! #SummerFruit

    Watermelon Puns One Liners

    Turn your melon-choly day into a juicy burst of laughter with these one liners!

    1. Why did the watermelon go to school? It wanted to be a little more well-rounded.
    2. Watermelons are the best listeners; they always lend an ear.
    3. I told my watermelon a joke, and it split right open!
    4. Watermelons are great at parties; they always know how to break the ice.
    5. Why did the watermelon cross the road? To see if the grass was greener on the other side.
    6. Watermelons are the best at keeping secrets; they never spill the seeds.
    7. I asked my watermelon for advice, and it gave me a slice of wisdom.
    8. Watermelons are the best at sports; they always hit the sweet spot.
    9. Why did the watermelon get a job? It wanted to bring home the rind.
    10. Watermelons are great at math; they always know how to divide.
    11. I told my watermelon it was sweet, and it blushed right down to the rind.
    12. Watermelons are the best at music; they always have a good beat.
    13. Why did the watermelon go to the doctor? It felt a little seedy.
    14. Watermelons are the best at fashion; they always have a fresh look.
    15. I asked my watermelon to dance, and it did the twist!
    16. Watermelons are the best at cooking; they always add a splash of flavor.
    17. Why did the watermelon join the circus? It wanted to be a big top performer.
    18. Watermelons are the best at gardening; they always know how to grow on you.
    19. I told my watermelon it was one in a melon, and it couldn't stop smiling.
    20. Watermelons are the best at storytelling; they always have a juicy tale to tell.

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